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IoD: Updates to Director Guidelines

25 June 2014

The first updates in six years to guidelines aimed at local directors will be discussed at a seminar and book launch being held by the Jersey branch of the Institute of Directors (IoD) next month.

On Wednesday  9th July, the authors of the fourth edition of the revised 160-page ‘Guidelines for Jersey Directors’  book, Advocates Anthony Dessain and James Campbell of Bedell, will outline the key changes to the guidelines to a Jersey audience at the Grand Jersey, starting at 4.15pm.

The updates to be highlighted and discussed by the authors are far reaching and include points of reference relevant to the role of non-executive directors, compliance issues, anti-abuse measures and guidelines relating to regulation. There are also revisions to sections on central management and control, accounts and records, valuations and insolvency.

First published in 1994 and last updated in 2008, the Guidelines provide a comprehensive summary of the duties and responsibilities of a director, partner, sole proprietor, company secretary or senior executive reporting directly to a board member in Jersey.

Wendy Dorman, Chairman of the IoD Jersey branch said:

Given the extent to which the corporate world in which we live has changed over the past few years, particularly in a leading international business centre like Jersey, the value of this publication cannot be underestimated. I would certainly encourage all Jersey directors to attend this event to get a valuable and rare insight from the authors of the Guidelines, or to obtain a copy of the publication to ensure they are up to speed on best practice in the workplace.”

The seminar will take place on Wednesday 9th July at the Grand Jersey from 4.15pm until 5.30pm, with networking drinks afterwards.  All directors are invited to attend, and tickets are £30 for IoD members and £45 for non-members, inclusive of a copy of the Guidelines for Jersey Directors. For more information about the seminar, which can be accredited as one hour of CPD, or to book places, please contact Kirsten Higgins, IoD Jersey Secretary, at e-mail or on tel. 610799.

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