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The extraction of water from wells and boreholes pursuant to the Water Resources (Registration) (Jersey) Order 2008

05 July 2010

The Water Resources (Registration) (Jersey) Order 2008 (the "Order") came into force on 1 January 2009. The Order was made pursuant to a provision in the Water Resources (Jersey) Law 2007 (the "Law") which empowers the Minister for Planning and Environment (the "Regulator") to require registration in respect of the abstracting or impounding of inland water i.e. ground and surface waters (whether natural or not), which are not coastal waters, discrete sources of supply or foul sewers or drainage connected thereto.

The purpose of the Law is to protect, manage and regulate water resources in Jersey; promote and conserve the flora and fauna and their habitats, that depend on inland water; and conserve and enhance the natural beauty of Jersey's inland waters. The Law achieves these purposes by:

  • ensuring the management and regulation of Jersey's inland water resources;
  • ensuring that there is sufficient water available for domestic use, industry, agriculture and recreation; 
  • conserving animal and plant habitats that rely on the water sources;
    – minimising the impact of climate change; and 
  • ensuring that strategies are put in place to protect against climate change.

In order to protect water resources, the Law contains a general restriction on abstracting or impounding water, save pursuant to a water resources licence.  The general restriction does not apply to:

  • the abstracting of less than 15 cubic metres per 24 hours of groundwater, by or on behalf of an occupier of land;
  • the abstracting of water for the domestic purposes of a household; or
  • the abstracting or impounding of water required to protect civil engineering or construction works.

However, where extraction is taking place in the second or third of the above examples, registration is needed. Therefore, if you are currently obtaining your water supply from a well or borehole you need to supply the following information, by way of registration, to the Regulator:

  • your name and contact details;
  • details of the water source, type and location;
  • details of the construction of the well or borehole;
  • information regarding any abstraction pump;
  • details of what the water is used for;
  • for water intended for domestic use: the addresses of the relevant households and the number of occupants provided with water; and
  • for other than a domestic purpose: the quantity of water used for that purpose.

The information must be sufficiently detailed to enable the Regulator to identify the location of the abstraction or impounding. Where there is any change to the information supplied, the Regulator must be informed.

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Location: Jersey

Related Service: Property