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Dunlop on Jersey Company Law

19 July 2011

"Dunlop on Jersey Law" is the first comprehensive book to be published on Jersey company law

The book has been commended by Michael Birt, The Bailiff of Jersey in the following terms:

"I am pleased to commend the first edition of "Dunlop on Jersey Company Law" to the many who have an interest in the subject. The book is a comprehensive and valuable work on Jersey company law and examines in detail the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 and related statutes. It also comments very helpfully on the leading Jersey cases on company law as well as those English cases incorporated into Jersey law. As the only comprehensive textbook to be published on Jersey company law, I am sure it will be of great assistance to lawyers, bankers, accountants, directors and regulators and generally all those who work in Jersey's finance industry. I congratulate the author for his initiative in producing this valuable addition to the literature on the law of Jersey".

The book examines in detail the provisions of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 and the leading Jersey law cases on company law matters. The book comments on the different types of Jersey company (including cell companies), the incorporation of Jersey companies, the taxation of Jersey companies, the capacity and authority of Jersey companies, the migration of Jersey companies, schemes of arrangement relating to Jersey companies, the merger of Jersey companies and the takeover of Jersey companies. Other key chapters consider the functions and operation of the board of directors, the duties of directors, the remedies that are available for breach of duty by directors and the disqualification of directors. There are also key chapters which consider unfair prejudice applications and the just and equitable winding up of Jersey companies. The share capital of Jersey companies is also considered in detail with chapters devoted to shares, share capital, share classification, prospectuses and the maintenance of capital. The book also considers in detail both the solvent and insolvent winding up of Jersey companies.

The book will be an invaluable source of reference for the directors of Jersey companies, the shareholders of Jersey companies, the administrators of Jersey companies, lawyers who deal with Jersey companies and students of Jersey company law.  

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