The Chief Minister's Department of the States of Jersey has released proposals to increase the cost to individuals and businesses of applying for work and housing permissions. New application fees have also been added.
Jersey's government says the additional £600,000 raised annually will be split between investment into a skills strategy for the Island and funding migration controls.
So what are the key changes?
A new charge of £500 will apply to companies (but not individuals) buying land worth £25,000 or more.
The cost to high value residents of obtaining a registration card will increase by 50% to £7,500 (up from £5,000). Registered and Licensed workers will pay £80 (up from £75).
A new charge of £500 must be paid by employment agencies for each Registered worker they place. Businesses that employ Registered workers will also pay £50 per year per worker. Seasonal workers employed via Registered permissions will not be caught by this latter charge.
The cost to businesses of applying for a Licensed worker permission will increase by nearly 30% to £225 (up from £175).
Visiting businesses currently pay a maximum of £1,500 annually. Under the proposals, this will increase by more than 130% to £3,500.
You can contact Guy Le Sueur, Partner and head of our Property, Private Client and Local Business group or Will Austin-Vautier, Advocate, who deals with Employment should you have any questions about Jersey's regulatory regime in connection with housing and work. A copy of our briefing note on this subject can be found here.
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Location: Jersey
Related Services: Employment Law | Property