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New scheme introduced in Jersey to improve the quality of rented accommodation

14 May 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Government of Jersey (the "Government") introduced a new scheme (the "Scheme") that affects residential landlords and tenants. As discussed in our landlord licencing briefing, the Scheme aims to improve the quality of rented accommodation in Jersey. From 1 August 2024, residential landlords must hold a licence in order to be able to rent out their properties.

The Government has released a Landlord Tool Kit (the "Tool Kit") which contains further details regarding the obligations of the landlord, as well as the rights of the tenants under the Scheme. The Tool Kit includes links to the following useful resources:

There will be a transition period from 1 May to 31 July 2024 (the first three months). During this period, properties will not need to be inspected for a licence to be issued. From 1 August 2024, the Government may need to inspect the property before granting a licence.  

If you would like any further information, please get in touch with your usual Bedell Cristin contact or one of the contacts listed.