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Client due diligence and anti-money laundering procedures

Client due diligence and anti-money laundering procedures

As a matter of law, we are required to operate client due diligence checks and procedures. We reserve the right to apply such checks and procedures (including in particular confirmation of identity and address/place of business and verification of capacity to give instructions in the case of limited companies or partnerships and source of funds) in respect of all matters in which we are instructed to provide Legal Services. Any failure to provide such information as we request in order to enable us to carry out such checks entitles us to terminate our client relationship and we accept no responsibility or liability arising directly or indirectly as a result of our need to do this. Any information and documentation provided to us in order to enable us to operate such checks and procedures may be subject to disclosure and production pursuant to orders having legal effect. In certain circumstances we are required to disclose information and documentation pursuant to anti-money laundering statutes or court procedures concerning our clients to third parties such as banks providing services to such clients. By instructing us in any matter and providing such information as we require, you will have consented to our onward disclosure of such information to third parties where appropriate.