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Joint clients

Joint clients

If we are instructed by more than one person or more than one representative of a company or other body, which is our client, we are entitled to act on the instructions of any one of such persons and to correspond with any of such persons unless otherwise agreed.

In this situation there will be no rights of confidentiality between such persons or representatives so that all information and documents can be shared with any one of you. If there is a difference of opinion on your instructions you may need to be separately represented and if a conflict of interest arises between you or your representatives, we may have to cease acting for both or all such persons or companies.


Fee earners responsible for your work
Legal services
Litigious or contentious matters
Professional undertakings
Powers of attorney
Billing policy
Payment terms
Client monies
Tax on interest
Electronic communications
Waiver and assignment
Storage of data, files and papers
Data protection and registration
Client due diligence and anti-money laundering procedures
Variation and publication of these Terms of Business
Regulated Services
Third party advisers
Bedell Cristin partnerships
Working for other clients
Termination of instructions
Questions or complaints
Governing law