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Timeline for the Discrimination Ordinance – the clock is ticking

18 January 2022

Guernsey's Committee for Employment & Social Security (the "Committee") has confirmed that a first draft of the Discrimination Ordinance has been prepared and the following outlines the intended timeline of relevant stages preceding the implementation of Guernsey's new discrimination law.

Technical consultation. The States are currently engaged in technical consultation with "key stakeholders" – including Carly Parrott, Counsel at Bedell Cristin, regarding the proposed text of the draft Discrimination Ordinance. This stage is anticipated to complete in mid-February 2022.

Technical review feedback:  February and March will see a review of the feedback received from the technical consultation and, if required, a revision of the draft Ordinance before it is submitted to the Committee to approve in April 2022.

Legislative review panel: In May 2022, a draft copy of the Ordinance will be submitted to the Legislation Review Panel. That Panel is expected to publish an assessment indicating where the draft Ordinance differs to the equivalent legislation in Jersey, and why.

States debate: The draft Ordinance will then be released to States members in June 2022, allowing "good time" for its text to be considered by the general public it before it is formally debated in the States.

Training and awareness: A formal campaign of training and awareness sessions will be rolled out by the States for businesses, employers and service providers. Bedell Cristin will be running our own series of training sessions for employers to complement those sessions, and to assist our clients to both understand their obligations under the new law and to support them internally to ensure compliance with the provisions of the new law.

Implementation – legislation in force: Subject to the draft Ordinance being approved, the new Ordinance will not come into effect for at least six months after approval.

Likely implementation date: April or May 2023. Make a note of this date and watch this space for further updates!

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Location: Guernsey

Related Service: Employment Law

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