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ABI 2021 Virtual Caribbean Insolvency Symposium

10 February 2021

Laura Hatfield, Partner from Bedell Cristin's Cayman office attended the American Bankruptcy Institute's (ABI) 2021 Virtual Caribbean Insolvency Symposium program on 9 February 2021.

Laura Hatfield took part in a panel discussion, which included expert speakers who discussed today's most relevant cross-border cases and topics. Laura's panel session focused on recent developments and decisions in international insolvency, including chapter 11 for non-U.S. companies, U.S. chapter 15 and offshore 'soft touch' assistance.

Laura commented:

'With the full economic fallout from the Pandemic looming on the horizon and sparing no country it is more important than ever for insolvency and restructuring professionals to meet and share experiences and wisdom. The American Bankruptcy Institute Caribbean Insolvency Symposium has facilitated cross-border connections in the regions for over 15 years and in 2021 has gone virtual to continue to deliver this welcome opportunity.

I was honoured to be asked to participate in the always hot topic of Chapter 15 recognition in the USA of foreign insolvency appointees and discuss the intersection with ‘soft touch’ liquidations to promote restructuring. Fellow panelists were Gregory S. Grossman, Sequor Law | Hon. Laurel Myerson Isicoff, U.S. Bankruptcy Court (S.D. Fla.) | Christopher A. Jarvinen, Berger Singerman LLP, who gave the conference attendees the inside track on some of the most notable 2020 Chapter 15 decisions.'

If you would like any further information, please get in touch with your usual Bedell Cristin contact or one of the contacts listed.

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