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Money Laundering (Jersey) Order 2008 - individual client identification

07 October 2010

In order that we are able to act for you, the Money Laundering (Jersey) Order 2008 requires us to obtain certain information about you.

Client identification and verification
We have to:

  • verify your identity; and
  • establish your source of funds/wealth.

To verify identity, we need a certified copy of your current passport, identity card or UK or Jersey driver's licence, together with verification of your current principal residential address.

The passport, identity card or UK or Jersey driving licence must not be out of date and must contain a photograph which is a clear likeness of you and of good quality. We must either see the original (in the presence of the person whose identity we are verifying) or receive a certified copy of the original.

If you have recently changed your name, you must provide us with a certified copy of the documentation evidencing your change of name, for example, your marriage certificate.

To verify your current principal residential address, we need two original or certified copy documents which are no more than three months' old and addressed to you at that address. The documents we can accept are:

  • a bank statement, bank reference or an electricity/gas/water/rates bill;
  • correspondence from a central or local government department or agency.

The information we require to establish the source of your wealth/funds differs between types of transactions. In the first instance, we need a written summary from you of the source of funds relevant to the matter we are to advise on. 

Certification of documents
A suitable certifier must be a member of a recognised professional body and subject to professional rules of conduct: for example, a lawyer or notary public, accountant, member of the judiciary, senior civil servant, officer of an embassy, consulate or high commissioner of the country of issue of the document or a manager of a regulated financial services business (for example, bank manager) which is operating in a well regulated jurisdiction. The certifier must use the following specific certification:

Photographic identity certification wording
"I certify that I have met [name] and seen the original document verifying their identity. I further certify that this extract of that document is an accurate copy of that part of the document and that the photograph contained in this extract bears a true likeness to the individual.
[Signature of certifier]
[Name in block capitals]
[Professional capacity]
[Telephone number]

Please ensure the photograph is a clear reproduction.

Residential address/non-photographic document certification wording
"I certify that I have seen the original document and that this extract of that document is an accurate copy.
[Signature of certifier]
[Name in block capitals]
[Professional capacity]
[Telephone number]

You may bring the original identification to us and we will certify photocopies of the relevant documents. Where we are asked to certify evidence of identity containing a photograph, the person requesting certification must be present.

If you are unable to provide us with the more usual forms of identity or address documentation, for example, as a result of a recent move or where P.O. Box numbers are used, please contact us to discuss alternative methods.

Politically Exposed Person ("PEP")
Please let us know whether or not you are a PEP since additional requirements exist for PEPs. A PEP is a person who is:

1. an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function in a country or territory outside Jersey or by an international organization outside Jersey, for example:

  • heads of state, heads of government, senior politicians;
  • senior government, judicial or military officials;
  • senior executives of state owned corporations;
  • important political party officials;

2. an immediate family member of a person mentioned in paragraph 1, including any of the following:

  • a spouse;
  • a partner, that is someone considered by his or her national law as equivalent or broadly equivalent to a spouse;
  • children and their spouses or partners;
  • parents;
  • grandparents and grandchildren;
  • siblings;

3. close associates of a person mentioned in paragraph 1, including any person who is known to maintain a close business relationship with such a person, including a person who is in a position to conduct substantial financial transactions on his or her behalf.

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Location: Jersey

Related Service: Regulatory & Compliance

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