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Partners Robert Gardner and Alasdair Davidson to speak at 'Trust in the future?' an international contentious trusts conference in Barcelona 13-14 May 2018

11 May 2018

Partners, Robert Gardner and Alasdair Davidson, will be speaking at an international contentious trusts conference hosted by Boodle Hatfield, Charles Russell Speechlys, Clifford Chance, Forsters, Stephenson Harwood and Taylor Wessing.

The conference takes place in Barcelona on 13-14 May 2018 and brings together solicitors, barristers, offshore lawyers and trust practitioners working in the ever changing world of contentious trusts.

The programme this year focuses on future proofing trusts, issues surrounding trusts in modern society (including the dynamics of the modern family unit and developing technology) and increasing judicial interference with trusts.

Robert Gardner will be on the 10am panel chaired by Emma Jordan of Taylor Wessing discussing 'Modern trusts for modern families - how trusts are evolving in the face of the modern family unit'. They will consider the practical challenges to trusts faced by modern family issues, such as surrogacy, adoption and co-habitation.

Alasdair Davidson will be part of the 2.15pm panel chaired by Maxine Mossman of Clifford Chance entitled 'No more secrets' which will look at the erosion of confidentiality in relation to trust affairs and whether this trend is likely to continue.

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